This just in: CEO Chris Shuba in Financial Planning

The U.S. lost 140K jobs in December, the first monthly loss since April. Expectations were for a slight increase of 50K, and November figures were revised upwards by ~90K. The unemployment rate stayed a 6.7% as initial jobless claims also remained flat at 787K.

Manufacturing surveys across both ISM and Markit improved a bit, and both stayed solidly in expansionary territory at 60.7 and 57.1, respectively (readings above 50 indicate expansion).

Durable goods orders stayed positive with a 1% gain, slightly beating expectations of a steady 0.9% gain from November.

The Bitcoin rally continues relatively unabated, with it crossing $40,000 for the first time this week, though we’ve seen multiple large intraday drawdowns of 7% to 15%. The rally has prompted increased client calls. To find additional color, please find the Rapid Reaction delivered earlier today.

The first full week of 2021 was turbulent, with the Democrats unexpectedly winning both of Georgia’s runoff elections, giving them control of the Senate in January. As well, the events in D.C. and the takeover of the Capitol building and resulting fallout prompted multiple cabinet resignations and open talks of the 25th Amendment and impeachment, pointing to a turbulent political period less than two weeks from Biden’s inauguration. For additional commentary and content to field client questions, please find our Rapid Reaction sent on Thursday.