This just in: CEO Chris Shuba in Financial Planning

Fears of rising interest rates set off additional volatility in the market with the S&P 500 losing 2.19% and the NASDAQ Composite losing 3.20%. Though yields on the 10-year US government bond were largely unchanged over the week with much of the overall increase taking place in the week prior.

Consumer sentiment increased slightly in September with more optimism surrounding current economic conditions, but the overall level remains close to the pandemic lows.

Personal spending and income both rose in August, rising 0.8% and 0.2%, respectively. Both figures were roughly in line with expectations.

Both the ISM and Markit manufacturing surveys increased in September further into expansionary territory on strong orders and demand, though respondents continuing to comment on supply chain and labor issues.

Q2 GDP was slightly revised upward to 6.7% annualized.

Congress narrowly averted a shutdown, passing a short-term bill that funds the government through December 3rd.